Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lloyd Christmas Carlton Banks Mahoney Update!

His names seems to grow with his personality and every set of visitors we have....
Lloyd-Almost 11 weeks!
 I know, I know, too much puppy information and talk.  But he's just so cute and we just think the sun rises and sets on his cute little face.  Actually the sun does rise and set around Lloyd, as lately we've been up at all hours of the day and night with him.  We've had quite a few vet visits since we brought Lloyd home and he's growing well so far-every day you can see how much he's grown, his legs look like stilts and he STILL looks like a bobble-head!-but he's been up and down with feeling like a 100% healthy child.  Now, at 12 weeks, he's 10.5 lbs and we think we might actually be making progress towards stopping the "hershey squirts" and multiple middle-of-the-night trips outside.  Hopefully.  Fingers crossed.  Poor thing has been plagued with problems since we got him-round worms, coccidia, tape worms, fleas, tick (just one but he was gross enough) and now, apparently, we're not helping by giving him organic puppy food, it's too rich for his tummy to handle.  So Science hill, probiotis, some other pills, and lots of cuddles ought to do the trick.  Hopefully.  Fingers crossed.

In the meantime, he's doing well destroying shoes (Mike's flip flops mostly), the coffee table, and all the toilet paper he can get his teeth on.  He loves to play, go on walks with Mike and I, and eat George's tail or get beaten up by Milton-no, they are still not big fans of the new roommate.  All this to say that being a bit sick isn't slowing him down or making him any less fun to have around! 

Toleration has a new face...

Worn out from playing with Uncle Brian!
 We're obviously madly in love with the mini-calf thing that moved in a six weeks ago, but we think everyone should come and visit and see for yourself why he's so delightful!!  He'll be your best long as you have treats! No more puppy blogs for a while, I promise! :)

1 comment:

Lauren Chestnutt Coburn said...

please. you know how much ivy and i love dogs so feel free to write about lloyd alllllllll the time. what a sweet puppy!!!