Friday, September 9, 2011

Time for another Lloyd blog!

It's been at least week, which is a long time in puppy world!  And we love him, he at least deserves a weekly picture update!

15 weeks old!
So, Lloyd is now almost 16 weeks old and he's getting big.  Well, big is relative, but a lot bigger than he was, and he won't stop it.  He now weighs almost 16lbs, most of which seems to be in his super long legs!  This past Monday he had the big surgery (we try not to say the "N" word!), so he's currently wandering around the condo looking like a cone-head and being even more goofy than usual.  He's mastered getting up and down stairs with the e-collar, but sometimes he's just a bit wider than he realizes and gets stuck on walls, or furniture.  It's special, we laugh at his expense quite a bit :)
Shaved leg from the IV

On drugs

Not happy about the e-collar, or the reason for it!

He's been feeling much better since the first day (he puked all over Mike's car, and me, and then again when we got home), and hasn't seemed to notice exactly what's different-although the cone is keeping him from finding that out at the moment. 

Other than the big snip snip, he had a great weekend with Aunt Ivy and Uncle Adam's visit!  We took him to the beach to play, which proved harder than we thought, but lots of fun for Lloyd!  He's still a little intimidated by the water at times, but he LOVES digging in the sand and playing on the beach!


He looks pained, but he was having an amazing time playing on the beach!

  He's been sniffing around for George a lot this week, but has otherwise been in great spirits considering!  Growing like a weed and keeping Mike and I entertained every day!

Cute/pathetic little cone-head! We love you, Lloyd!!

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